Translate WITCH data (run make_data files and convert data).
generates the input data for the WITCH model.
First, it will run the R make_data_files
and the gams make_data_files
usually located in the input folder of WITCH. These make_data_files produce
gdx and sqlite files in the build
folder. Time-series should be yearly.
Spatial data should be preferably described at ISO3 level, but the script
will handle any regional-mapping contained in regions
witch_dir = ".",
idir = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
regions = region_mappings,
times = time_mappings,
force = FALSE
- witch_dir
WITCH main directory
- region
final regional aggregation
- timescale
final timescale aggregation
- idir
input data folder (for weights and to be pass to make_data files)
- output_dir
output folder (to overidde default WITCH data folder name)
- regions
optional list of regional mappings (see Details for format)
- times
optional list of timescale mappings (see Details for format)
- force
logical indicating whether all make files should be processed
The regional mappings should be
provided in a named list through the parameter regions
Regional mappings are 2-columns data.table with a column named 'iso3'
(for country ISO3)
and another one named as the regional mapping (for region name).
The name in the list should also be the regional mapping name.
is a list of time mapping between year and time period which
should be provided as a data.table with columns "year" and "t",
and refyear for interpolation and extrapolation. times
should contain