A collection of country-level Statistics to be used as weights for regional disaggregation/aggregation. Values are given for 250 ISO3.
A list of data.table:
- pop
Population in 2005
- gdp
GDP in 2005
- co2
CO2 FFI in 2005
- extr_coal_2000
Coal extraction in 2000
- extr_gas_2000
Gas extraction in 2000
- extr_oil_2000
Oil extraction in 2000
- tpes_2005
TPES in 2005
- prodelec_2005
Electricity production in 2005
- prodelec_hydro_2005
Electricity production from hydroplants in 2005
- extr_oil_gas_2000
Extraction of oil and gas in 2000
- forest
Forest cover
- land
Forest cover
- cst